De la Mancha has just released dirtbox 3 - an update of its compression/distortion/modulation VST plug-in for Windows.
Features :
- Completely new parallel compressor.
- 18 flavours of dirt and 3 dirt slots.
- Improved bit crushing and sample rate reduction control.
- Extended ring modulation, 12 varieties and 11 waveforms.
- 4 way XY pad for modulation of up to 4 parameters.
- 2 tempo sync LFOs to automate XY pad and 2 other parameters.
- All modulation is shown in real-time visual indicators for each parameter, LFO and XY pad.
- Over 50 presets covering subtle to painful.
- A demo version and several audio demos are available.
No longer freeware, dirtbox 3 now costs $15.