TP works has released a new VSTi plugin, the Drumhound, a 16 stereochanneled drumsampler with sounds of almost every famous drumcomputer included for use in Windows based VSTi hosts. The Drumhound has 128 presets with over 2000 sounds onboard.
Features on each channel :
- Gain
- Release
- Tune [Tune the sound one whole note up or down]
- Peg Decay [Amount, to adjust the time of the downwards pitch envelope]
- Peg Env [Amount, to adjust the amount of the downwards pitch envelope]
- Velocity on Amplitude
- Velocity on Filter [Lowpass without resonance]
- Damp [To eleminate high frequencies]
- Lo [To eleminate low frequencies]
- Panning
- Solo / Mute
Drumhound is available now and is priced at €129.