Throughout the month of August, Sonnox and
DontCrack.com have teamed up to offer 35% off the purchase of all new Oxford plug-ins and bundles.
This incredible promotion applies to the Sonnox Elite Collection of Oxford plug-ins (which includes EQ, Dynamics, Inflator, Transient Modulator, Reverb, Limiter, and SuprEsser), as well as the entire range of already discounted custom bundle options.
• Sonnox Elite collection ($2,640 HD or $1,260 Native) with the plug-ins EQ, Dynamics, Inflator, Transient Modulator, Reverb, Limiter, and SuprEsser is now $1,716 HD or $819 Native
• Sonnox Restore suite with Oxford DeBuzzer, DeClicker, and DeNoiser plugins ($1,995) is now $1,296
Hurry up and take advantage of this offer until the end of the month at :