Togu Audio Line has just announced the release of TAL-BassLine v1.0, a free virtual analog bass synthesizer especially made for bass, acid sounds and effects.
Features :
- Band-limited oscillators (saw, pulse).
- Sub-oscillator: square -1 oct., square -2 oct., pulse -1 oct, pulse -2 oct.
- -18 dB/octave low-pass filter (resonant/self-oscillating).
- LFO (frequency: 0,1 .. 30 Hz, waveforms: sin, tri, saw, rec, noise).
- Very fast nonlinear envelope (A: 1.5ms..4s, D: 2ms..10s, S: 0..100%, R: 2ms..10s).
- Simple Arpeggiator (up, down, one octave mode).
- 2x Unisono Mode.
- Panic button.
- MIDI automation for all sliders and pots.
- Precise fader control while holding down the "Shift" button.
- Supports all sample-rates.
- 2x oversampling.
- 23 presets.
- Tutorial PDF.
- ~2.5% CPU (Intel Core 2 CPU 6700, 44.1KHz, 24Bit, buffer-size 1024 Samples).
TAL-BassLine is available as a VST instrument plug-in for Windows and Mac OS X Universal Binary and it is free.