Ohm Force has released updates for its entire plug-in range and announced the launch of a Video Tutorial Contest.
Updates details :
- Several minor bugs fixed (Mac/Windows).
- MIDI out disabled by default, fixed (Mac/Windows).
- Huge performance boost on all Mac versions (Mac/Windows).
- Some installation problems fixed (Mac).
- Unreadable presets problem, fixed (all RTAS versions for Mac).
- Bug in browser, fixed (Symptohm:Melohman - Mac/Windows).
- Mouse wheel scroll in browser added (Symptohm:Melohman - Windows).
- Bug on funky skin, fixed (Symptohm:Melohman - Mac).
- Problem recovering default presets locations when loading/saving (Ohmicide:Melohman - Mac/Windows).
- Some parameter names have changed to reflect its GUI labels (Ohmicide:Melohman - Mac/Windows).
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