IMSTA (the International Music Software Trade Association) has just deployed its 2009 "Let's Talk Piracy" survey, which will be active until December 31st 2009. The non-profit association aims to reduce the demand for pirated music software through campaigns that are designed to raise awareness and change user behaviour. The 2009 survey features a contest in which 10 lucky winners will receive prizes donated by IMSTA member companies.
IMSTA's goal is to collect information from software users on an annual basis, in order to identify specific trends in attitude towards the use of pirated software. The 2008 survey prompted over 3700 responses from 83 countries, with IMSTA member companies playing an active role in promoting the survey on websites, in newsletters and via e-blasts to registered users. The 2009 survey uses the same questions, enabling IMSTA to compare data year on year.
The annual survey is one of IMSTA's most valuable pieces of research. Since survey participants can choose to remain anonymous, it is believed that the responses will give an accurate picture of their views. IMSTA is hoping that the 2009 survey will attract a large number of new participants, but we'd also strongly encourage 2008 participants to come back and re-visit the questions. It may be that their views on certain issues have changed over the course of a year and this is just the kind of information IMSTA would like to have.
To take the "Let's Talk Piracy" survey, please visit the link below :