By inventing level-independent dynamic processing in the 1990's, SPL provided the foundation for all transient processing tools. They have once again resorted to this proven and tested technology to develop their latest software tool: the DrumXchanger, a plug-in that can replace drum sounds in multitrack sessions irrespective of their level. According to SPL, it works in real time and replaces samples phase-accurately in the original signal.
DrumXchanger uses the Transient Designer technology for drum hit recognition rather than sound creation. Hence, all drum hits, including the faintest ghost notes, are faithfully recognized regardless of their dynamic level. The samples can be mixed with the original sound and there is also a ducking function available, which only reduces the level of the original drum hit itself without affecting the ambience around it.
Besides the basic functions to process the original and sample signals, DrumXchanger includes two fully operational Transient Designer processors, as well as high-pass and low-pass filters for the original, sampled, and output signals.
All samples can be pitch-shifted one octave above or below in real time, while a delay control allows precise sample replacement.
SPL included a basic library with