U-he proudly announces the release of Zebra V2.2. What's new:
• Factory presets were replaced with all new bank by Howard Scarr
• MacOS X 10.5 Leopard compatible
• Presets load way faster. User interface opens almost instantly
• A "compact install" for Muse Receptor compatibility was added to Windows installer
• A factory bank of oscillator module presets was added (also by H. Scarr)
• GUI consistency was improved (i.e. renamed some parameters, too long texts get shortened to fit)
• That infamous MSEG bug is fixed (single trigger MSEG may have caused deadlock)
• The Preset Manager remembers name & location of loaded patch, saved with song
• The editor window opens in the state where you last closed it (doesn't/can't save with song though)
• Global parameters such as FX Returns are available in modulation matrix
• Smoother ModWheel, Breath Controller, Expression and PitchBend
• Speaking of PitchBend, ranges can be set to 0 now to free the Wheel for other tasks
• MidiLearn now requires a conscious decision for a menu entry - preventing users from accidentally Teaching a parameter
• Preset scripting was improved so that 3rd party waveform converters are fully supported (still no decent documentation for scripting though)
• A bug in the reverb diffusion on SSE2 machines got wiped out - if that changes your sound, set "D-Feedb" to 0.00
• The Preset Manager can now be used to create new folders and refresh the directory listing (right/ctrl-click)
• .h2p is now default patch format - set to native to save patches for use within host applications (usually not necessary)
• Text rendering quality on Windows was improved
• There's no more need for Microsoft Runtime Libraries on Windows (finally!)
• One can now import patches made with the Computer Music edition of Zebra aka ZebraCM
• Number of voices can be set to 0 in an Arpeggiator step, making this step a "skip"
• …
Zebra is in available in AU and VST format on Mac and windows. You must have MacOS X 10.3.9 or higher (Panther, Tiger, Leopard) installed to use this software on Apple computers. On PC, Windows 2k/XP/Vista are required.