Synths, Synths and more Synths! Yes you guessed it this product is all about synths.... some really nice ones actually...
MKS-80 (Super Jupiter), SQ-80, TX-802, CS-10, Matrix 6R, OP-1, SlimPhatty, Mopho, MircoKorg XL, Blofeld, PC3x... all great synths! They have been given the the Goldaby treatment... sweetening them up with tasty outboard. Then mapped to EXS24 and Kontakt 4.
Analog bass, digital bells, lush strings and pads, powerful leads and interesting FX. Plenty of ammo for Hip Hop, Dub Step, Grime, Drum & Bass, Techno, Electro...
Over 160 patches using over 1800 x 24 bit samples.