Brainworx has just updated its mastering processor bx_digital to version 2.0.
Features :
• 3 Modes (M/S mastering, M/S recording, L/R stereo).
• New and unique 6-knob Center Section (individual PAN for Mid and Side Signals).
• 11-band EQ (TDM, RTAS, VST, AU) incl. Shifter EQs up to 22 kHz.
• Built-in De-Esser / dynamic EQ (1 kHz - 22 kHz).
• Improved Mono-Maker (20 Hz-2kHz).
• Precise Correlation- and Balance-Metering.
• Individual Bypass and Link for every feature.
• 4 Presets, Copy/Paste, Undo/Redo for all functions.
• New Auto-Solo and Auto-Listen modes for TDM & Native.
bx_digital is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST, AU, RTAS and TDM plug-in formats. It costs €398 including VAT ($502) for the native versions; €598 including VAT ($879) for TDM. All users of bx_digital v1.x (Native & TDM) can upgrade for €98 / €149 (Native / TDM).