Avid has announced that Pro Tools 8 now supports the new Snow Leopard OS X.
This added support enables customers to upgrade to the latest operating system without worrying about Pro Tools compatibility. Furthermore, those purchasing a new Mac system for faster processing, reliability and ease-of-use (shipping with Snow Leopard) will now have support for Pro Tools as well.
On top of that, if you're a Windows user looking to upgrade to Windows 7, Pro Tools 8.0.3 provides public beta compatibility with 32- and 64-bit versions of Microsoft's latest OS. This public beta release is provided as a convenience should you wish to begin your transition to Windows 7 before a fully tested and qualified version of Pro Tools becomes available. If you're using Pro Tools M-Powered Essential 8.x, Pro Tools 8.0.3 provides full Windows 7 support.
Current Avid customers (version 8.0 and higher) can access the version updates online at no additional cost.
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