Now you can get all Soundprovocation products for the discounted price - up to 50 %.
Also, Soundprovocation wants to return the favor to all customers of this year, and offers a FREE download of "Holiday Gift Pack", which contains five previously unreleased EXS24 and KONTAKT instruments/patches.
If you have already purchased any product from Soundprovocation this year, you'll get the e-mail message with download instructions soon.
Every new buyers until 2010 January 15, besides discounted prices, will also get the "Holiday gift pack" for FREE!
The "Holiday Gift Pack" contents :
1. "Flux" - pad synth.
2. "Ruler Bass" - inspiring bass synth.
3. "Rusty Violin" - fat and charismatic instrument.
4. "Drums of life" - drum set, made of living room sounds.
5. "Ancient Freshness" - one more unique synth.
Sample format: 24 bit 44100 Hz .aiff
Package size: 93 MB
You can listen how it sounds here :