Violence is the latest release from Vir2 Instruments. It's a collection of instruments focusing on extremely unusual textures, manglings, distortions, and perspectives on the solo violin.
Violence features a variety of controls which are custom-designed for each of its 82 instruments. The instruments are subdivided into four major category folders:
• Drum Kits
• Melodic
• Pads and SFX
• Tempo Synced
Depending on the instrument loaded, appropriate knobs for tweaking the instrument appear in the interface, such as:
• Quantization
• Envelope controls (attack and release)
• Stereo spread
• Lopass and hipass filters
• Layer blend controls
• Effects (reverb, delay, drive, flanger, vibrato, rotator, wobble, and others)
• Autopan control
• Repeater
Powered by the Kontakt engine, Violence is compatible with VST, AudioUnit, and RTAS (Pro Tools 7 & 8) plug-in formats and is priced at $99.95.