ElectraX! Explore the vast musical universe of multi-synthesis oscillators, analog modeled filters, chaotic fractals, samples, psychoacoustic processing, flexible modulation and an immense sonic range. Combine multiple polyphonic or monophonic synthesizers and 13 different synthesis methods to create incredible results while the well-designed preset management system provides access to a
large library of sounds carefully crafted by professional designers.
New features:
- Arpeggiator now includes a 'restart note ordering' option
- Better host compatibility
- Improved usability and workflow
- Improved compatibility with Windows7 and Vista systems
- Improved Midi learn
- Easier installation
- Less pop-ups
- Demo time has been extended (demo)
- Workarounds for various host related bugs
- Fixed a possible crash and GUI glitches
- Installer automatically fixes possible Windows7
- compatibility problems of VST directory