Blue Cat Audio has announced the enlargement of its audio analysis plugins offer with the release of the Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi plug-in, a multiple tracks real time waveform renderer and comparator.
Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi is able to display, measure and compare waveforms from multiple tracks on a single screen. It includes both a multiple waveforms display and an XY phase scope view to compare the waveforms of several instances in real time.
Features :
- Multiple tracks real time oscilloscope.
- Unique data sharing technology with multi-core processors support.
- Zoomable display with precise measurement capabilities.
- Easy phase cancelation and mono compatibility issues detection on multiple tracks or within an effect chain thanks to the XY phasescope view.
- Save the curves for easy A/B comparison.
- Opacity control for the user interface.
- Undo/Redo.
- Import/Export presets and share them between the directX and VST versions.
- Skinnable user interface.
- Full automation support (all parameters can be automated, with smooth and continuous update)
- Real time MIDI control with advanced settings (MIDI channel and CC numbers, with complete response curve control) and MIDI learn.
- Any sample rate supported.
Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi is available for Windows in VST and directX formats as a separate product or within the new "
Blue Cat's Multi Pack" Bundle as well as the larger "
Blue Cat's Analysis Pack". Demo versions can be downloaded on the Blue Cat Audio website. Note that a special introduction price is available for one month, and special offers are available for registered customers.