Mackie unveils 3 new powered mixers : the PPM608, PPM1008 and PPM1012.
Ultra-light and completely self-contained, every PPM mixer features two ridiculously robust power amps for Mains and Monitors (500W + 500W in the PPM608; 800W + 800W in the PPM1008/1012). With up to 1600 watts of system power, these mixers provide all the raw power that you need.
Features Highlights :
- Dual powerful internal class-D Fast Recovery power amps
- Premium Mackie preamplifiers
- Mackie 3-band EQ straight from VLZ3 line
- Individual channel inserts
- Dedicated in-line compressors bring simple but sweet dynamics to our PPM mixers
- Dual graphic EQs with tight, constant-Q filters
- High-resolution 12-segment LED metering with super-quick response time
- 32-bit RMFX+ processor featuring 24 "Gig Ready", useable reverbs, choruses, and tap delay for live applications
For more information, please visit their website.