Togu Audio Line has released TAL-Dub-II, an extended version of TAL-Dub with a completely new sound engine. A 4x over-sampled distortion stage allows you to add vintage distortion to the delayed signal (it is also possible to make clean delays). A sinus LFO has the possibility to modulate delay time and low pass filter cutoff. Adjustable LFO stereo width is also included. An analog sounding 6dB low pass filter with resonance and a 3dB high cut filter are also parts of TAL-DUB-II. Different routing options open a wide range of possibilities.
Features :
- Synced delay times (1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1/1, 2/1 and tripled and dotted notes).
- 4x over-sampled distortion stage.
- VU-Meter shows gain reduction.
- LFO (low pass cutoff and delay modulation, stereo width).
- 6dB resonance low pass filter.
- 3dB high pass filter.
- MIDI learn for all pots.
- 20 factory presets.
- Documentation.
TAL-DUB-II is available now for Windows VST and Mac OS X Audio Unit and VST Universal Binary. The good news... it's a freeware, so enjoy !