This year's AES show in San Francisco sees the launch of Focusrite's new multi-channel firewire audio interface, the Saffire PRO 40.
Features :
- Eight High Quality Focusrite Pre-amps
- High Quality 24-bit/96kHz Firewire Interface
- High Quality A-D / D-A Conversion and JetPLL jitter elimination technology
- Total I/O Count of 20 Inputs and 20 Outputs
- Unique Loop-Back facility for routing audio between software applications via Saffire PRO 40 Control.
- Suite of Focusrite VST/AU plug-ins (Compression, Reverb, Gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins).
- Two separate headphone buses with independent level control available on the front panel.
- Saffire Pro 40 Control Zero-latency DSP Mixer/Router (18 x 16 DSP mixer).
- Unmatched routing flexibility. The user is able to route any input signal or DAW output, or a mix of both, to any of the 20 outputs.
Saffire Pro 40 will be shipping worldwide, October 2008. For pricing details, please contact your local Focusrite distributor.