Focusrite has released an update of the Liquid Mix firmware.
Changes :
+ Fixed a crash in Ableton Live crashes when loading LiquidMix if the hardware is not connected
+ Fixed a problem with CPU usage in Cubase 4 when inserting the first LM instance
+ Fixed a problem with Liquid Mix snapshot naming
+ improved snapshot loading robustness
+ Fixed a problem with Intel/PPC cross platform compatibility of snapshots / sessions
+ Fixed a problem with RTAS wrapping the LM plug-in for Pro Tools
+ Fixed a problem with recalling settings in logic 8 on some channels
+ Fixed a problem finding the stereo plug-in in Cubase 4
+ Problem with rotary controls Fixed on Windows build
+ Fixed Liquid Mix crash when trying to use 'Fixed' EQ controls
+ Fixed hardware parameter control in Cubase 4.5.1
+ Fixed bug causing continuous software controls from hardware
+ Fixed CPU spiking with certain emulations
+ Removed C++ Runtime Library dependency (Windows)
+ Remove dependency on the shared memory update - now using POSIX shared memory
This update is available at the following url :