After TheBox, we wanted to extend the cajon family so here is WoodBox, a regular sized cajon.
- WoodBox is a regular-sized cajón recorded at 88.2Khz/24bits resampled to 44.1Khz/24bits
- 600Mo of stereo samples, 3040 samples, no loops
- Right hand/left hand samples
- Two microphone positions, a pair in front of the cajon and another behind it to capture more bass.
- 16 different hit positions to reflect the full possibilities of the instrument
- About 15 velocity layers per position
- 8 round robins
- Adjustable mapping, you can assign any element to any key reallyquickly. (kontakt)
- Available for Kontakt 2, 3 and 4, and our new player: the ASPlayer (VST and Audio Unit for mac, and VST for windows) : you don't need anything else to be able to play it.
- Only €19.