Image-Line Software are pleased to announce the FL Studio 9.9 Beta is available for testing.
Please note, all previous FL Studio 9.x Betas have expired and you need to download the 9.9 Beta to continue work started in earlier versions. FL Studio 9.9 expires April 15.
Some new features and bugs fixed:
- New Project Picker browser, improves Playlist workflow allowing Patterns to be previewed and selected.
- Chainer, an instrument and effect plugin chainer.
- ZgeViz a music visualization effect plugin based on the free open source ZGameEditor.
- Fixed problem with sidechain selectors in Vocodex.
- Fixed tiny bug in envelope filter tool.
- Fixed rendering start time problem.
- Fixed small bug on playlist loop marker deletion.
- Fixed bug when deleting playlist clips through their menu.
- Fixed bug when undoing recording of audio+piano roll when there were no notes yet.
- Fixed crash when sending presets directly to plugin window in some rare cases.