Musikmesse 2011 will be held in Frankfurt am Main from April 6 to 9, 2011. The Musikmesse is the world's leading trade fair for the world of music.
Here, you will find a complete range of products with everything required for making music, not to mention innumerable workshops, concerts, demonstrations and discussion events.
Four-day event: Trade-visitor days: 6 to 8 April 2011 Public day: 9 April 2011 Hours of opening from 09.00 to 18.00
- Trends from the fields of musical-instrument making, digital music production, electronic music, music literature and music marketing
- More than 30,000 musical-instrument products ␣ Events, awards and workshops revolving around
the subject of music making
- Musikmesse Saturday, 9 April 2011: the whole world of musical instruments for consumers.