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Blue G3 and Imacs (6)
- New Products made for new Blue & white G3 and Imacs
Mac OS X (8)
- Resources, tips, and documentation about OSX
Misc (13)
- Various sites related to macintosh.
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Sites Results (Showing 1-15 of 60) | |
A personnal page offering Apple's Service Manuals on every Mac ever made. Repair your mac and save some $$$ . All PowerMacs (including Legacy Macs) eMacs iMacs iBooks Powerbooks Monitors Printers Scanners Cameras PCI cards Upgrades etc.
Resource for Mac users interested in digital audio.
All macintosh audio cards, theirs specifications, compatibility and distributors. in french...
Tout le peer2peer sur Mac
The LogicUser Macintosh Extension Guide will help you to optimize your Mac system for use as an audio workstation. You can browse or search through the database of extensions to find out what each extension does and if you need it or should dump it.
Tout pour rendre le Mac plus attrayant encore sur ce site perso. Des jeux, applis, utilitaires, OS tuning, etc...
some info, news, and reviews about making music with a Macintosh!
Mac Audio Guy is a resource site for Mac audio. It has some Mac audio articles as well as free downloadable Apple Loops and Reason ReFills.
Low End Mac: The definitive guide to the Macintosh.
in french.
Des Conseils, Des astuces, Des Mises à jours, les Videos Apple, un forum de discussion, des petites annonces, chat, freeware, update, apple, macromedia, adobe...
Le french site des mac utilisateurs
MacFR (Dec 25, 1998 - 457 hits)
Ce site est consacre au Macintosh et a son environnement. Des mailing-lists francophones sont a la disposition des visiteurs pour leurs questions techniques.
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