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Members > Technicians > ~Misc

Results (Showing 31-45 of 1157)
John Stannard CB4 2QT - United Kingdom
PROGuitarist, Mac technician
Billie 79914 - United States
PROLive Theatre Sound Tech
bjkalahann 33000 - France
Blutch 34700 - France
Donald Duck 60486 - Germany
PROProfessional audio engineer
Bram Delafonteyne 9120 - Belgium
PROSound editing, mixing, mastering in all industries (film, TV, music,...)
bro01 44770 - France
PROProfessional studios conception and maintenance / Editing and Mixing engineer for all kind of products
bzctoons 31500 - France
PROBesoin d'un programmeur ? D'un site Web ? Une application Windows/Linux ? Vous l'avez Trouvé ! Need a coder, website or a Windows/Linux Software ? You found it ! Langages : C/C++/C#, Perl, PHP/Mysql/PEAR, XML/XSLT, SQL, HTML/Javascript(DOM)/CSS Méthodes : UML, Merise API: DirectX/Direct3d, OpenGL, MFC, wxWidget, .NET OpenSource : SPIP, osCOmmerce Réalisations : (CMS) (eCommerce) (CMS)
Catherine Burlow 08015 - Switzerland
PROMac lover
cerise 6800 - Belgium
PROINSTALLER of PRO AUDIO for multimedia, theatre and HOTELS Sale and rental of PRO AUDIO
chnikov 13100 - France
PROAccordeur réparateur de pianos
chrisb 91602 - United States
PROPro Audio Sales
Chris Ndlovu 1747 - South Africa
cis77 8042 - Austria
PROStill on education
clem's 1447 - Cameroon
PROJe suis technicien de maintenance en audio visuel et très passionné par l'ingénieurie du son et la maintenance
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