Mar 4, 2008 - This is the sixth and final installment of "The Recording Process." This installment covers the tracking of additional instrumentation. The songs we've...
Mar 4, 2008 - This is the fifth installment of "The Recording Process." This installment covers vocal tracking. There will be a new installment in this series once a...
Mar 4, 2008 - This is the fourth installment of "The Recording Process." This installment covers guitar and keyboard tracking. There will be a new installment in this...
Mar 4, 2008 - This is the third installment of "The Recording Process." This installment covers bass and piano tracking. There will be a new installment in this series...
Mar 4, 2008 - This is the first installment of "The Recording Process" which covers preproduction - all the events leading up to recording. There will be a new...
Mar 4, 2008 - This is the second installment of "The Recording Process." This installment covers drum tracking. There will be a new installment in this series once a...