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Composer Bernard A Torelli

Composer Bernard A Torelli

Catégorie:Musique: Musiciens
Créé le:15 janv. 2001
Composer Bernard A Torelli was for many years one of the most in-demand guitarist, songwriter and record producer. He worked with a number of top composers and artists to create musical sounds and assist with all technical aspects of creating and recording music. He was also the conductor of two records with the Symphonic Orchestra of Liege (Belgium). Today, Bernard is living in Los Angeles, and he currently recording the new album of Bunny Brunel 'CAB II'
Composer Bernard A Torelli
Les News en rapport avec Composer Bernard A Torelli
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7 août 2014Reason 8 en vue!
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7 mai 2014Un Beat de Géant pour l'Humanité!
4 mai 2014Paper Stone présente Creatve Junk, instrument pour Kontakt
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3 mai 2014Native Instruments lance TRAKTOR DJ version 1.4
3 mai 2014Elephorm joue les prolongations
2 mai 2014Rob Papen présente le bundle eXplorer III
13 mars 2014Steinberg WaveLab 8.5
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