Sites (16-30 sur 42 résultats) | |
(review at Intermusic.com) Designed primarily for guitarists, Jon Bates realises there's more to the Yamaha RY9 than meets the eye, with 50 factory preset songs for creating backing tracks
Voilà un petit rack fort intéressant ! Certains sons d'usine sont devenus des classiques de la techno/dance, cependant, on peut aussi programmer des sons particulièrement chimiques... Vous pouvez télécharger ces fichiers et les utiliser comme bon vous semble, à condition qu'Olivar (lui même) soit averti.
(review at Intermusic.com) It's a synth. And a sampler. And another synth. And a sequencer. And yet another synth! And another synth on top of that!
La collection complete des orgues electroniques Electone de Yamaha. Histoires, musée, photos, ressources...
(review at Intermusic.com) Yamaha's previous Control Synth releases have been for the budget-conscious, but the latest version - the Yamaha CS6x - takes the low-cost quality combination into the professional arena...
(review at Intermusic.com) The most innovative sampler for years has had a wash and brush up. Here's Version 2 of the A3000 and finds the best sequel since Batman Returns...
(review at Intermusic.com) The updated DJX-II is aimed at cash-strapped wannabe DJs, so Maff Evans finds out if the new version really can dominate the dancefloor..
(review at Intermusic.com) Editing synths can be pretty tiresome. The Yamaha CS2x proves there's more to digital synthesis than pages of inaccessible menus
(review at Intermusic.com) Could a tone generator, sequencer, mini keyboard and effects be combined in a portable unit without cutting corners? No problems if the Yamaha QY70 is anything to go by, as Matt Overton discovers...
(review at Intermusic.com) Yamaha's CS1x control synthesizer aims to put real-time control back on the agenda, but can it keep you twiddling for very long?
(review at Intermusic.com) Another pattern-based sequencer for dance music. There are tons around, so why should you choose the Yamaha RM1x over all the rest? MattThomas maps up a few reasons why...
(review at Intermusic.com) Even simple instruments need an update sometimes, and the MU range is no exception. The case is restyled and stuffed with an SW soundcard
(review at Intermusic.com) The Yamaha PSR9000 has been described by many as a professional musician's instrument, but does this mean lesser musical mortals won't like it? We decide to investigate...
(review at Intermusic.com) Yamaha makes its return to FM synthesis
(review at Intermusic.com) Top-notch sampling technology has always filtered down to the budget end of the music market, and the SU-10 was one of the first and best
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