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INA (13 févr. 2000 - 459 hits)
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA).Activités de l'Institut, son actualité et ses catalogues : disques, vidéos,cédéroms, publications, stages de formation, notices des programmes TV etradio, Archives de guerre...De nombreuses séquences audio et vidéo sont consultables.Programme de la manifestation Imagina. Bourse à l'emploi du multimedia.
The CERL Sound Group is an informal research group in Champaign-Urbana, home of the University of Illinois. They undertake hardware/software development in digital audio signal processing and computer music. Current research areas include real-time algorithms, sinusoidal modeling, user interface hardware/software for music performance, airflow, and music notation.
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research Home Page
They perform research on acoustic and elastodynamic wave theory, with applications in acoustic imaging and acoustic control.
Grame (24 déc. 1998 - 317 hits)
DAFX98 was an international meeting of researchers interested in the theory and practice of digital processing techniques for the transformation of sounds in music and audio applications. (usefull docs in "DAFX 98 Papers" section)
MIT (10 déc. 1998 - 257 hits)
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