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Membres > Industrie de la Musique > Editeurs de logiciel

(1-15 sur 233 résultats)
(a) - Allemagne
PROzplane is a service and technology provider for high quality music processing software.
aaw_ - France
abeem - France
Adrian Pflugshaupt 8037 - Suisse
PROMain programmer of apulSoft Professional freelance saxophone player.
Aktion 04211 - Ukraine
PROGame sound designer
Alain Etchart 75011 - France
allcool 75001 - France
PROEquipe de musiciens pro et spécialistes de l'internet
al_be -
Angus_FX WC2H 9LG - Royaume-uni
PROTechnical Director at FXpansion
Anytune K2H8N7 - Canada
PRORecreational drummer and father of three budding musicians. Co-founder and CEO of Anystone. Anystone creates innovative and engaging mobile applications that educate and inspire by leveraging the latest tablet and smartphone technology. Anytune is an iOS app that is designed to help musicians learn to play songs by allowing them to slow down the tempo, adjust the pitch, and repeat loops of tracks on their iOS devices. Anytune allows you to share thriough Twitter, Facebook, email and SMS! Tweet your favorite pitch/tempo setting to your followers. Export and import your audiomarks/notes to a band member or student.
applelogic 75016 - France
PROformation logic pro et produit apple
ArKaos SA - Belgique
PROArKaos is a world leading developer of real-time visual processing technologies for live visual performance. The company develops visual synthesizers that trigger and manipulate graphic content for display on large screens at concerts, clubs, etc.
Craig Lloyd 90210 - Etats-unis
PROAudio Music Engeeneering Software and Hardware developer.
Arpege music 4800 - Belgique
PROSince 10 years, we are constructing Pizzicato, your personal music notation and composition software. Sometimes we work for musicians (Vangelis in Athens for example) or inventors (Continental Structures in Brussels).
Adil Sardar - Canada
PROLead Developer at WaveDNA, the makers of Liquid Rhythm, a unique idea synth with powerful clip edit integration into Ableton Live 9
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