(856-870 sur 1410 résultats)
korbomite |
13120 - Etats-unis |
Pianist, singer, woodwind player; but more a composer than a trained performer. Enjoys unorthodox time signatures and jazzy impressionistic chords. |
Kev Razy |
75019 - France |
Je suis un jeune prod. qui cherche a apprendre |
Kristin Smith |
64063 - Etats-unis |
Active musician - oboe, piano, guitar, etc - recently begun with recording/production |
kristyjo |
54449 - Etats-unis |
Public School Music Teacher. I also compose for my classroom and myself. |
kulten |
14000 - France |
Low-techno |
kydjoo |
67000 - France |
DJ et Violoniste |
lafouine83 |
83500 - France |
Musicien amateur realisant musique ambiance, pop electronique influance JMJ,vangelis, kraftwerk, tangerine dream |
Retraité |
35400 - France |
retraitéretraité |
Latner |
87110 - Etats-unis |
Self taught musician/Love to use logic 6. |
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