(1216-1230 sur 1410 résultats)
Line Allouet |
75011 - France |
Grande amateur très débutante ignare même, curieuse d'apprendre |
Saxomans |
72100 - France |
Guitariste (Classique, Flamenco et Jazz) et Saxophoniste Ténor. |
Selah Ben-Haim |
55454 - Etats-unis |
Guitarist with a computer (and keyboard) |
Scott Stulen |
55416 - Etats-unis |
Visual artist working in sound collage, field recording, and video. |
Holland Sean |
V9C2M8 - Canada |
Songwriter, guitar player, dabbler in other things including arranging. But I'm a non-reading, non-educated, non-trained type: all self taught. Hear some of my stuff at http://www.nowhereradio.com/seanholland/singles |
Seconds |
6050 - Australie |
I'm a solo artist who also operates a home-based studio for writing and recording music for short-films. |
Sethyr |
77400 - France |
Polyvalent et ouvert... |
Charles Bernier |
G5L7L7 - Canada |
J'ai le beat dans le sang pi jvo m'demarquer |
Andrew D'Cruz |
02912 - Etats-unis |
I play piano, sax, and guitar, and do some computer sequencing and recording too. |
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