(1456-1470 sur 1624 résultats)
Aaron Grant |
32206 - Etats-unis |
I produce hip hop,r-n-b and other genres of music that i can and the hip hop element into. |
Philryan |
13210 - Etats-unis |
Songwriter, singer, DJ, producer, club kid, London, DJ chaser. |
Daniel Yates |
17602 - Etats-unis |
Producer/Ceo of a small independent label called Phlameon. We're interested in different sounds and ideas, so were constantly networking. If any of this interest you we can discuss the matter further, hit us on our site at: www.Phlameon.com Thank You! |
Pierre.M |
7502 - France |
Compositeur, Illustarteur sonore |
14606 - Etats-unis |
playboyinc |
91902 - Etats-unis |
Got a beta makin crew called playboyinc. you wanna be down wit us email me and we talk buisness send me a beat all types we make money by selling beats u could be down shamelessboy99@yahoo.com |
Potours |
99559 - Etats-unis |
I'm interested in bringing the rich sounds of the native people of Alaska, Canada, Greendland, and Siberia into a creative and new form of music. |
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