(1666-1680 sur 3303 résultats)
StephGauthier |
- Canada |
PROStephanie Gauthier is an emerging film and television composer with a diversified musical background. After many years studying to be a concert composer, Stephanie discovered a love for composing for film. The Graduate Diploma (DESS) in film music at L'Université de Québec à Montréal provided her with extensive training in the art of writing music for film. Stephanie’s experience includes writing the music for the UQAM documentary film “Histoires de Fort George”. Also, as well as obtaining a Bachelor of Music in Composition, Stephanie has also been trained as an opera singer. Through her various educational opportunities, Stephanie has developed a unique and creative style musical style well able to satisfy the dramatic needs of audio-visual materials. |
Stephy.A |
44310 - France |
PROSaxophoniste, professeur, arrangeur, compositeur |
steprv |
75011 - France |
PROMembre de Dead Sexy Inc. et de fingernails (Le Baron). Arrangeur, producteur, remixeur. Travaille pour Sony, Nintendo, Canal Jimmy. Labels : XIII Bis, Cleopatra, Universal, Electro Mogul |
stevencravis |
94134 - Etats-unis |
PROIf you like Norah Jones, Yanni or Enya you'll like the music of Steven Cravis |
Steven Palmer |
13760 - Etats-unis |
PROMusic for film, animation, and any form of entertainment... |
stigc56 |
2920 - Danemark |
PROComposer for theater & movie |
stock59 |
59560 - France |
PROEtudes de composition à la Musikhochschule de Cologne. Doctorant en Musicologie à Lille. |
Joost Van de Laar |
3920 - Belgique |
PROI am a classical guitar soloist and the founder end leader/composer of my own contemporary music ensemble. |
Dan Wool |
94112 - Etats-unis |
PROComposer/Producer: Pray for Rain | Soundtracks and Music Production |
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