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Membres > Musiciens > Compositeurs

(1231-1245 sur 3303 résultats)
Michael Stanutz L1E 2V9 - Canada
PROToronto area composer/producer
Martin Sweidel 75089 - Etats-unis
mtb61 80863 -
John Hyde OX10 6JQ - Royaume-uni
PROEx-member of Gadgets/Ragged Boys/Plain Characters now a film and Tv composer
multid E5 - Royaume-uni
PROI was one of the 1st 10 people to get my hands on a prophet 5 back in the day in Denmark St. I even got my hands on a 10 voice version that they dropped cos it cooked the chips. If I had the means I'd create a really choice Hardware Synthesizer museum. I see the Emulator 2 as the digital Prophet 5. My best work with the prophet can be heard on the 1st 4 PiL albums. My 1st E2 work can be found on Violent 'Opposition' a lesser known release. JKL
Murat Asil 11103 - Etats-unis
museiain 2088 - Australie
PROSinger Songwriter/Studio Owner. Record and release my own material. Including Music and Film.
Muses 10019 -
musewoman 90404 - Etats-unis
PROMusic for chamber ensembles, orchestra, film and dance, often with electronics.
Pavel Trojan 14100 - Tchèque, République
PROMusical, film, scenic music, contemporary music
Shyam Vai 60004 - Etats-unis
PROComposer for short films, produces Indian music.
Ashura Strauss 235-0005 - Japon
PROComposer of all kinds. Producer of Utopia Street & Ashura Strauss.
musiciantl 01-919 - Pologne
musicmiam 1922 - Suisse
PROCompositeur, réalisation de toutes sortes de musiques instrumentales, mais aussi chantées.
Laurie Spiegel 10013 - Etats-unis
PROComposer, computer software tool-maker since the early 1970s, visual and video artist, writer on technology and the arts and other subjects. Recommended music cds: "Unseen Worlds" and "Obsolete Systems" Recommended software: "Music Mouse - An Intelligent Instrument" for Macintosh, Amiga and Atari computers
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