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Membres > Musiciens > Compositeurs

(256-270 sur 3303 résultats)
Jim Keyes 10533 - Etats-unis
PROI am a composer for Beach Street Music. I have also scored films for NYU Medical Center and Historic Hudson Valley. I also provided the "Acoustic" score for the acclaimed short film "The Catskill Chainsaw Redemption".
bvtree -
PROI'm Singer/Songwriter with several self-produced CDs. My specialty is in the growing area of Worship music.
bwadhams 97225 - Etats-unis
PROComposer artist producer
Yannick Barman 1868 - Suisse
PROCompositeur, trompettiste
byrdalex 75018 - France
PROFilm music composer (numerous movies, TV movies, TV series)
byrdsmann 29930 - France
PROCompositeur / arrangeur / Multimédia
Bytehoven 21093 - Etats-unis
PROChristopher Yavelow is an award-winning composer and author with graduate degrees in composition and theory from Boston University, Harvard, and several European conservatories. He has taught at the University of Maryland, Claremont Graduate School, the University of Texas, Schiller College, and Harvard. His compositions have been honored with more than three-dozen awards, and his opera, Countdown, received accolades as the first computer-assisted opera, the first opera performance with a virtual orchestra (February 12, 1987; by the Boston Lyric Opera), and the first opera in cyberspace (December 1, 1994). His 1400-page Music and Sound Bible received the Computer Press Association Award and intensified the use of computers in music education and the entertainment industry.
CaesaR 10044 - Andorre
Romain Bisseret 75014 - France
Calistus D'Costa - Australie
PROFilm Director, Editor and music Composer
Camille7 93170 - France
PROCompositeur-arrangeur en musique elcetronique
José Andrés Prieto 30009 - Espagne
PROComposer, guitar and piano player of contemporary music.
Jorge Campos 75018 - France
PROCompositeur instrumental et électroacoustique
canarda 75011 - France
PROCompositeur / arrangeur / ingé-son et leader du groupe Sire. Réalise tous travaux de son, musique, audiovisuel, et web.
cantu-inda 20230 - France
PROChanteur dans un groupe corse...
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