i have a powerbook g3 wallstreet for sale. it is still apple's most expandable and durable powerbook they have released. it has been maximized for use as a portable audio workstation, and includes a slew of fine audio software. unit has been personally upgraded by me, and features the following modifications: *upgraded 500mhz/1mb l2 cache g3 bluechip cpu *xcaret pro cdr/cdrw drive 4x4x20 *maxed out physical ram to 512 mb *upgraded hd to 20 gigs. i will also include software bundle which includes: logic audio 4.8.1 peak 2.6 max4/msp2 reaktor 2.33 battery 1.0 recycle 2.0 reason 1.0 mac os 9.2 mac os x e-mail me at jc105776@aol.com for more details
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